Skin: [PF] Doll V2 Crystal – Pure
Mesh Lip: VCO ~ Nini Mesh Lip 002 [ RARE ]
Eyes: {S0NG} :: Placebo~ Plasma Eye @SaNaRae NEW!
Tattoo: **UrbanStreet** Bohemian Bodypaint-White @SaNaRae NEW!
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Ameliya braid-fatpack RARE @Fantasy Gacha Carnival NEW!
Hair Addon: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Ameliya hair-Fatpack RARE @Fantasy Gacha Carnival NEW!
Scouter: Sweet Thing. Power Scouter Toy – Classic @Kustom9 NEW!
choker: Pixel Geek- Star choker @SaNaRae NEW!
Bodysuit: ALTAIR* mecha suit .white. -maitreya- @Bon Voyage NEW!
Longinus: Simple Stuff – lance of longinus
Pose: Le Poppycock *Yandere* Stay with Me @Bon Voyage NEW!