Skin: Rotten Toe !RT!:.: Allergic Chloe 1 :.: Porcelain NEW!
Makeup: Rotten Toe Broken:.:Lipstick NEW!
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Nodoka hair-fatpack @Hairology NEW!
Mask: Nana – Hannya White Mask @Sir Monthly NEW!
Outfit: ::Axix:: Maewah Gacha @The Gacha Garden NEW!
+ Blindfold: ::Axix:: Maehwa Blindfold RARE NEW!
+ Bracelet: ::Axix:: Maehwa Bracelet Light NEW!
+ Collar: ::Axix:: Maehwa Collar Light NEW!
+ Earrings: ::Axix:: Maehwa Earring NEW!
+ Yukata: ::Axix:: Maehwa Yukata Black Fitted NEW!
+ Obi: ::Axix:: Maewah Obi Black Fitted NEW!
Cage: {vespertine} vintage wooden birdcage / wine @Collabor88 NEW!
Crows: ::Axix:: LadyCrow.
Background: MINIMAL – Wall Gold *RARE* @The Liaison Collaborative NEW!
Bamboo: Garden by anc bamboo /wear or rez @The Mens Dept NEW!
Wheelchair: LunaRosarie L+R Bloody Rosarie wheelchair RARE
Petal: LunaRosarie L+R Black rain Box (rose petal rug)
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