Skin: CURELESS [+] Morphine
Eyes: Clem’s Halo Eyes Grayscale
Tatoo: CURELESS [+] Komainu Guardians @Uber (December 25th) NEW!
Hair: .Olive. the Yumi Hair @The Kawaii Project NEW!
Glasses: [ContraptioN] Richardson Glasses *???* nose @Wayward Market NEW!
Hat: [ContraptioN] Standard Noble Top hat *???* mouth @Wayward Market NEW!
Hat Ornament: ..::(siratama)::..Funny Marry Scary X’mas gacha
+ ..::( siratama )::.. 7.Ornamental legs @Hakoniwa Winter Wonder Hunt NEW!
Neck Corset: *:..Silvery K..:*Neck Corset Mesh(Black)
Necklace: .random.Matter. – Percival Necklace – Gold
Bracelet: [sYs] CORELIA bracelet @TRES CHIC VENUE NEW!
Outfit: [sYs] La Petite Robe Noire @TRES CHIC VENUE NEW!
BodySuit: Nylon Outfitters (NO) Metallic BodySuit – Gunmetal
Bag: [sYs] KOI Bag – red @GEN-Neutral NEW!
Socks: {sallie} Knit Over the Knee Socks A – dark pack @The Kawaii Project NEW!
▶Those socks are compatible with Slink, Maitreya
and standard sizing shoes (3 feet options)
Shoes: Garbaggio // Flame Platforms – Black @On9 NEW!
Pose: Body Language by Sweet Lovely Cute
BodyLanguage SLC SS POSE Back Shot!! A Pack* @Wayward Market NEW!
+ (HUD)SLC SS Pose BackShot!! GroupA Left Side – BackShot04L
Location: LEA7 – Eiffelicious by Regi Yifu
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