Skin: .random.Matter. – Brinley Skin – Albino
Hair: Beusy: That Too Hair @Cosmetic Fair NEW!
Horn: Aii the Ugly & Beautiful + Demon Princess Horns Stone + {aii}
Outfit: .aisling. Merle Outfit {Leather}
Shoes: Dirty Princess Gladiator Couture Princess Heels
Wings: C L A Vv. Gatotkaca – Metalic Wide Wings RARE
Gloves and Staff: Remarkable Oblivion
+ RO – The Illusionist – Magisters Staff Container- RARE @The Arcade Gacha
Tail: Aii the Ugly & Beautiful + Animated Spaded Tail (wear me) + {aii}
Pose: Body Language by Sweet Lovely Cute / SLC Dark Eillow AO SET
+ (BLAOFMcST05_P3) @The Fantasy Collective NEW!
▼▼▼ @The Nightmare Event (October 1st) NEW!▼▼▼
+ Chest Eye and Tatoo: Aii the Ugly & Beautiful + ICE DreamWeaver’s Eye gutty + {aii}`
+ Blindfold: Aii the Ugly & Beautiful + Tattered Blindfold WHITE + {aii}
+ Hagoromo: Aii the Ugly & Beautiful + Tattered Hagoromo BLACK + {aii}
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