Skin: SURUKI Beluga
Eyes: .tsg. Dark Skies – Light Brown
Makeup: Sedmikraska* Under Eye Blush omake(lack of sleep) ▼N/A
Makeup: !Rotten Toe!:.:Worry:.:Tintable Eyebrow
Hair: NO.MATCH_NO.CALL. @On9 (August 9th) NEW!
Swimsuit: PINK HUSTLER / *PH* frill swimsuit
Bath Tub: Body Language by Sweet Lovely Cute and Sallie Collaboration
+ Seed of Inspiration[Sallie x Body Language] Relax Bath Tub @The Gacha Garden
▼Seed of Inspiration exclusives (After 20 plays you get this)
Room Divider: Body Language by Sweet Lovely Cute and Sallie Collaboration
+ 11.[Sallie x Body Language] Undressed : Room Divider (White) @The Gacha Garden
Rubber Ducks: the mustard seed <::tms::> Rain Barrel with Rubber Duck ▼mod
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