

Mesh Head (BENTO): GENUS Project – Genus Bento head – Mocap *beta
Skin (Applier): CURELESS [+] Atropine Skin BEIGE
Eyes: [ Conviction ] Downer Eyes & Makeup Gacha
+ [ Conviction ] Downer Eyes (ESSENTIALS) RARE
Piercing: GENUS Project JESSICA GACHA @The Arcade Gacha NEW!
+ GENUS Piercing Set 2 JESSICA
Hair: tram H0904 hair FATPACK @Hair Fair 2018 NEW!
Hat: Hotdog – Tattered Tophat . BLACK
Dress: * EXiA * Jody Jacket Dress FATPACK @SaNaRae NEW!
Arms: CURELESS [+] Anatomic Doll Gacha
+ CURELESS [+] Anatomic Doll Dolly Hand BLACK
Ancestors Set: + SEMPITERNAL [Ancestors] Gacha @The Arcade Gacha NEW!
+ Choker: SEMPITERNAL [Ancestors] Capulet Choker GOLD
+ Tears: SEMPITERNAL [Ancestors] Golden Tears LEFT
+ Dagger: SEMPITERNAL [Ancestors] Montague Dagger GOLD (Add)

Skybox: + SEMPITERNAL [The Coronation] @Builder’s Box NEW!
* The price will be L$2000 if you preorder,
and L$3000 after so make sure you get your orders in before it releases on October 4th.
Builder’s Box Blog
Danse Macabre Set: Remarkable Oblivion RO – Danse Macabre Gacha
+ Candles: RO – Danse Macabre – Votive
+ Sidetable: RO – Danse Macabre – Sidetable
+ Coffin: RO – Danse Macabre – Nocte Coffin
Cross Neon: The Horror!~ Sin Cross Neon Sign (Red)