

Mesh Head (BENTO): CATWA HEAD Lona
Hands (BENTO): VISTA Bento Prohand v.1final
Skin (Applier): Aii The Ugly & Beautiful
+ Allure Skin FATPACK + {aii} – Tone01
Makeup (Lip): violetta. -catwa lips applier 01 caramel(5colors)
Nail(BENTO): Astralia – Compatible mesh nails system
Eyes: Aii The Ugly & Beautiful + The Watcher Eye (+glow) + {aii} @SaNaRae NEW!
Horn: Aii The Ugly & Beautiful + Kintsukuroi Horns + {aii} @We love Role-Play NEW!
Face Tattoo: Aii The Ugly & Beautiful + Kintsukuroi Texture/Tattoo HUD + {aii} @We love Role-Play NEW!
Body Tattoo: The White Crow -[TEW]- Only @The Project Se7en NEW!
Hair: Sintiklia – Hair Mimi @The Project Se7en NEW!
Outfit: *Tentacio* Kitsune Gacha @Lootbox NEW!
+ Kimono Dress: TFCGachaLootBox . Kitsune RARE
+ Ears: *Tentacio* Kitsune ears white
+ Mask: *Tentacio* Kitsune mask
Harness: {wa-kotolier} “Ume blossom” Harness (03:White-Gold) @Re:japonica NEW!
Head Dress: *:..Silvery K..:*Head Dress(SAKURA)
Umbrella: *:..Silvery K..:*Japanese umbrella(RB)

Doll Head: Aii The Ugly & Beautiful + The Watcher + {aii} @SaNaRae NEW!
+ Mask: + The Watcher Mask V1 + {aii}
+ Fur: + The Watcher Fur Long + {aii}
Doll: Remarkable Oblivion RO – Spook Show – Val Vain – Container
Backdrop: Glam Affair – Dark stage [rare]
Sakura Tree: 8f8 – silent conversations – Sakura Tree RARE